Elderberry Syrup

Product Overview:  

Elderberry Syrup

Health Benefits of Elderberries*
Remedies include treating colds, flu, yeast infections, nasal and chest congestion, hay fever, stimulating the body's immune system, and treating cancer and AIDS patients. Elderberries can deliver more antioxidants than vitamins C or E. 
Health Benefits of Cinnamon*
Remedies include treating gastrointestinal problems, urinary infections, relieving symptoms of colds and flu and has remarkable anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Health Benefits of Cloves*
Remedies include aiding in digestion, quieting upset stomach, helping the esophagus produce more phlegm and act as an expectorant, making coughs less severe and more productive, and acts as an antimicrobial agent.

Health Benefits of Ginger*
Remedies include easing travel sickness, nausea and indigestion, colic, irritable bowel, loss of appetite, chills, cold, flu, poor circulation, menstrual cramps, dyspepsia (bloating, heartburn, flatulence), indigestion and gastrointestinal problems such as gas and stomach cramps, arthritis, fevers, headaches, toothaches, coughs, bronchitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lowering cholesterol and blood-pressure and aids in preventing internal blood, and helps sore throats return to normal.
New Research! 
Ginger has been shown to reduce cancer cells.

Health Benefits of Local Honey
Remedies include boosting the immune system due to its antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties, and soothing sore throats.

Benefits of Amber Glass Bottles 
The amber color of the bottle filters out blue and UV light, protecting the product from damage caused by light, and increasing the shelf-life.  Glass is easier to recycle and will not leach harmful chemicals into the contents like plastic will.  The result is a high-quality product that has not been altered by UV damage or chemicals.

Our elderberry syrup is made in a home kitchen with the date it is made stamped on the label.  Please contact us for purchase.  Each 8 oz. bottle is sold locally for $20.  (Contains honey.  Should not be given to children under age one.)
*Organic ingredients


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