Tortilla Recipe

Taco Night Delight...


As we begin the new year, we have committed to saving money by vowing to not eat out and use what we have stocked up, for the entire month of January. 

(Hopefully these values will carry on past January) 

You know how it goes!  Things get busy, it's late, the kids are starving, and you can't find anything to cook!  Overwhelmed, you leave the house to grab a bite to eat. 

First off, it is good to have a plan.  Before January began, we sat down and made a meal plan for the whole month of January.  We also took an inventory of what we currently had so we could put that to good use without having to buy more groceries.  Meal plan in hand, we looked over what ingredients we had and what we would need.  Off to the grocery stores we went.  Knowing that different stores have different prices we made the most of that and went to three different stores.  After an afternoon of shopping we were done!  (While fresh ingredients will not stay fresh for a month, we have a short list that will need to be purchased half way through the month.)  No more need to spend any money on food for the whole month!  That feels nice!  Now to stick to the plan.

Since the plan was to save money we decided that for taco night we would not buy tortillas from the store, but go ahead and make them ourselves since we already had all of the ingredients.  They turned out to cost about $2 to make ourselves, but essentially we didn't spend any extra money because we already had the ingredients.  They were pretty easy too!  Have you ever looked in the ingredient label on tortillas?  I always end up looking them all over every time I go shopping for them and go through every brand cringing at the list of ingredients.  Why do they need all those questionable ingredients?  ( I always buy my tortillas at Whole Foods, and even there I didn't like the ingredient list)  So, why can't I make them myself?  I found out I can, and it isn't that hard!  And so I would like to share our tortilla experience with you!

Gather your ingredients:

 We used:

  • 2 1/2 cup Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat Flour
  • 1  tsp. Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 1/4 cup Organic Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Filtered Water (We LOVE our Berkey Water Filter)
Mix all of the ingredients together and separate dough into equal balls.  Roll out on a lightly floured surface.

They don't look perfect, but they look good! 

 While you are rolling the dough you can warm up your cast iron griddle (or any pan will do) on medium heat.  Place the rolled out dough onto the griddle and cook until the top side starts to bubble and it turns a golden brown.  Flip the tortilla over and cook until the bubbles return.  Watch closely so they do not burn.  Either keep them warm by wrapping them in a towel before serving, or store the in the fridge to use later.

ENJOY with your favorite toppings, and good luck on your quest to save money and eat better!


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