Meet Matt and Sara

Matt and Sara Crile have been involved in heirloom, chemical-free gardening together since 2002. Beginning their married life together, and starting a family, moved them closer to the enjoyment of the natural-living, chemical free, whole food, organic, self-sufficient lifestyle. Mainly gardening for pleasure and their own personal food, they decided to take the next step and began The Homestead Harvest LLC, in the summer of 2013, in order to share their products and knowledge with others. Along with their children, the Crile Family takes pride in working together as a team to accomplish their goals in the natural-living, self-sufficiency lifestyle. Matt's accomplishments include winning several local and state fair awards for his produce, bringing in many great reviews from happy customers, and having the opportunity to join Joel Salatin and his team at Polyface Farm "the farm of many faces" for a full 48 hour on-farm experience.  Sara was able to participate in a summer apprenticeship at EarthDance Farms in the summer of 2014.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to meet you and I'm looking forward to reading more!
